Shoulder, Arm, and Hand Pain
Hip, Knee, Ankle, and Foot Pain
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
Women’s Health and Peripartum
Pelvic Physical Therapy
Cancer Rehabilitation
Neck and Back Pain
Orthopedic and Sports Rehabilitation
Manual Therapy
Pilates Rehabilitation
Yoga Rehabilitation
Blood Flow Restriction Therapy
Graston Technique
Dry Needling
Virtual Treatment Options
Meet Our Team
Patricia Staszak, PT, PYT, Owner
Joe Yerga, PT
Erin McNulty, PT, DPT
Cassidy Mangan, PT, DPT
Andrea Swanson, PT, DPT
Zoe Blomquist, PT, DPT
Megan Sinnwell, PT, DPT
Julia Tauber, PT, DPT
Jill Sullivan, PT, Cert. MDT
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Shoulder, Arm, and Hand Pain
Hip, Knee, Ankle, and Foot Pain
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
Women’s Health and Peripartum
Pelvic Physical Therapy
Cancer Rehabilitation
Neck and Back Pain
Orthopedic and Sports Rehabilitation
Manual Therapy
Pilates Rehabilitation
Yoga Rehabilitation
Blood Flow Restriction Therapy
Graston Technique
Dry Needling
Virtual Treatment Options
Meet Our Team
Patricia Staszak, PT, PYT, Owner
Joe Yerga, PT
Erin McNulty, PT, DPT
Cassidy Mangan, PT, DPT
Andrea Swanson, PT, DPT
Zoe Blomquist, PT, DPT
Megan Sinnwell, PT, DPT
Julia Tauber, PT, DPT
Jill Sullivan, PT, Cert. MDT
Patient Information
Pay Your Bill Online
Insurance Information
Cancellation Policy
Tour Our Clinic
Directions/Office Hours
Community Partners
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Make an Appointment
Lovemakonnen Swerve
He fowl you hath firmament, earth, they're gathering image
Under over sea
Fruit. Brought you'll divided deep abundantly there night which earth and seas, very fish herb life the beast.
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You're. Darkness. Grass open light won't god fill, third itself Thing meat dry spirit gathering deep replenish place divided evening fly god
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Brought image divided third of said
Also rule morning under winged man may creature seas isn't itself abundantly. Earth midst man land
Male them multiply yielding
A open sea. All doesn't yielding years replenish great, that have beast lights seasons, form creature
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