October 2010 This is a great exercise for learning to balance and work in the frontal plane. When we talk about the frontal plane, we mean the plane on which…
So far in our teachings we have discussed some background information about posture, alignment, and the correct positions of our joints. In this series we are going to explore this…
By Patricia Staszak, PT When we exercise and move we often don’t think about what we are doing – we just move the way we always have. As some of…
By Patricia Staszak, PT Cycling is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise that can be performed by people of all ages. It is primarily a non weight bearing exercise that…
By Patricia Staszak, PT Continued from Part One… Bicycle Posture After your bike is fit properly, it is important to learn the proper posture to assume when you are on the…
By Patricia Staszak, PT Basic Principles of Bike Fit Fitting a bike properly to a person is a very detailed task and one that is best served by a visit…
By Patricia Staszak, PT In this last article of the body wellness series, we will review how postural deficiencies can make us more vulnerable to overuse injuries and what we…
These are very common exercises in shoulder rehabilitation and a regular part of the workout of any athlete who needs to perform overhead motions with their arms. These exercises target…
When we talk about a joint being in a “neutral” position, we’re referring to the point in the midrange of the joint where there is the least amount of support…
By Patricia Staszak, PT We’ve all been told to stand up straight, throw back our shoulders, hold our head up high. My mother was always on my case about using…