We could go on forever when talking about posture. But you can keep it simple by periodically checking in on your body position from the ground up. Use as little muscle energy as possible to maintain your body position in a relaxed, elongated position. Here are some tips to help you keep your spine in line.

Choose a chair that is highly adjustable – it should have adjustable seat height, tilt, arm height and width. We also prefer a chair with a high back, as sometimes you need a little support in the upper back. Keep your chair as upright as possible and sit with your butt back in the seat.. Allow the chair to support you. If the chair doesn't support your back, place a back support or medium sized, partially deflated ball behind your back wherever you feel that you need support. This will physically hold you in a better alignment and provide feedback to your back muscles so they know to relax.

Rest both feet flat on the floor while keeping your knees slightly below and in line with your hips. If necessary, place your feet on a footrest. Your hips should be relaxed and you should feel as if your weight is balanced between your pelvis, thighs, and feet. Keep your weight equally distributed on your SITS bones – the bony part of your pelvis that you sit on. If you notice that your knees are wider than your hips, grasp your upper thighs to rotate your thighs inward (internal hip rotation) and then pull your butt muscles outward so the SITS bones widen. It’s sometimes helpful to put a small ball or yoga block between the upper to mid thigh to keep your knees and hips from dropping outward. Bigger muscles should be relaxed and quiet, and the deep postural muscles at your pelvic floor and on the inside of your legs should be engaged.

Keep a gentle tuck to your chin and center your head over your rib cage. Your ribs should be balanced over your pelvis. For many of us to accomplish this, we have to pull the head backward while keeping the chin tucked and eyes gazing forward. Imagine a string pulling the top of your head towards the sky so your entire body and neck stay nice and lengthened. Keep your shoulders relaxed and centered on your
rib cage — not elevated, rounded or pulled backward. Although good posture should be natural, you might feel wooden or stiff at first if you've forgotten the sensation of sitting up straight. The key is to practice good posture all the time. Try not to overthink it – just line yourself up and relax!