This list is not exhaustive and there are many other great teachers that I have not included, but I have found these teachers to be great for those who are just starting with yoga.
Yoga Tree – Andersonville
Catherine Lewan, DPT (of course): Fridays at 12pm.
Jody Weinmann: Fridays at 4:30pm.
Laila Lee: Thursdays at 12pm.
Keely Jones: Saturdays at 10:30am and Mondays at 6:00pm.
Moksha -Lakeview
Kim Wilcox: Many classes through the week.
Imagine Yoga-Rodgers Park
Lee Gregory: Fridays at 6:30am. Lee also teaches at the Loyola Park Facility of the Chicago Park District. Advanced Registration Required.
- Check out this month’s YogaChicago for an article about Lee at